This little ray of sunshine is amazing! She just makes my life the absolute best!
We went in for her 1 year dr. appointment three weeks ago and I felt very very discouraged upon leaving. The doctor was not at all sensitive to Ava's circumstances and I felt like she discredited all the progress Ava had made in the last few months since we started occupational therapy, because she still has so far to go to be "caught up". The doctor made a huge push for Ava to be off formula and the bottle in one month. This was huge considering that Ava was still struggling with regular food and getting the majority of her nutrients from formula. I really felt like it would be impossible, but alas I headed to the store to purchase sippy cups and food to experiment. I felt like a ton of bricks had been dropped on me the entire rest of the day and was so discouraged ( I apologize to anyone who had to talk to me those few days after because I know I was a total negative nancy). Surprisingly, Ava did okay with trying many new foods, even though she swallowed the majority of them whole, but, she wanted absolutely nothing to do with a sippy cup.
I talked about it with her therapist the next day and she recommended that we totally skip the sippy cup and go straight to a cup with straw (to avoid tongue thrusting) , which made me even more worried because Ava totally didn't grasp the concept of a straw yet, but she gave us a few tools to work with and off we went with very little success...
until last Thursday...
We met Josh for lunch one afternoon and I put my water cup up to her (because she still wants nothing to do with holding a cup/bottle or feeding herself) and she put that straw in her mouth and just started sucking....Just like that! I couldn't have been happier if Ava had won the Olympics! She's been bottle free ever since! She has also been totally off formula for a week or so now and doing great! She actually even chews her food for the most part. The doctor wanted me to bring her back in in a month after she was totally off formula to make sure she hasn't lost weight, but I think you can tell from the above pictures (check out those legs) that she is definitely not starving!
Last night I packed the bottles away and filled the cupboard with these bad boys!
Oh yeah!
Anyway, I am one proud mama and I couldn't ask for more! I feel so blessed to have such an incredible little girl who couldn't be any more perfect than she already is!
Yes, she is lovely! She is so cute! And if I were you, I would be frusterated at the doctor as well. Just remember, no one knows your little girl as well as you do, so know one but YOU can see how well she's progressing. I always take what the doctor says with a grain of salt and I always listen really well to my "mommy instinct". It's still what helped me find Kate's cyst that one doctor told me I was "over reacting" about. You're doing an awesome job and Ava is a doll!
Yae for Ava! What time is the parade? She has come so far so quickly...and you are one amazing and devoted mama! Is there room for a 2 year old at your house you could possibly train!?
Yea Ava! Doctors suck! Just remember, mamas always know best. Sometimes other people tend to get you down but that little Ava is a gem! What a cutie!
Pet Peeve: When doctors THINK they know what's going on...She's so adorable! I can't believe how quickly she caught on to sipping through a straw; that's fantastic. And yes, musical therapy seems a little hoakie, but it's actually pretty impressive.
Yea that is so exciting!! Ellie is still on her bottle, but I am trying to get her off it, but like Ava she is still not that into table food! Glad to hear she is moving around now!
i'm glad the switch from formula was easy. a lot of babies have a hard transition from that. she's so dang cute. and definitely not starving. i love the legs.
I just love her big smiles - adorable! Good for Ava, sounds to me like you are doing a great job with her!
Yeah!!! Isn't it such a great feeling to get be done with bottles? That's always one of my favorite transitions! Congratulations on the great progress!
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