Friday, September 28, 2007

Round Two...

Our poor little Ava has thrush...again!
It seems to be affecting her a lot more this time than before. She has been so sad today. So we have got her back on the meds and hopefully it will clear up quickly. Instead of posting a sad "Ava with thrush" picture, I thought I would post an "I'm cute and happy" picture.


Pam from Over the Big Moon said...

Oh poor little Ava! I can't wait to hold her next week and finally meet her. It is going to be weird seeing you in the motherhood roll! Can you believe that we are to this point in our life arleady?!? It seems like yesterday we were sitting in the student center at the college having those black basketball players hit on us! haha :)

Anonymous said...

Poor little Gal! I can't believe she has thrush again! I don't know much about it -- how do babies get it?

Jess said...

I totally know how you feel with the whole thrush thing!!! Taleah is on her third round! UGH!! I have it too!! And it hurts so bad to nurse...I can't wait for it to be gone!

Barbara said...

I'm a friend of your mom's. She sent me to look at her and her granddaughter on this site. I have heard that thrush can be caused by antibiotics, even through breast milk. One cure is acidopholus. There is also baby acidopholus. Hope she gets better soon!
BTW, Ava is adorable!