Saturday, July 28, 2007

Super Model in Training

I have come to realize that taking care of a newborn is a lot easier than I had anticipated. Ava pretty much sleeps, wakes up to eat, then stays awake for a little while before she falls back to sleep and starts the cycle all over. So what do you do with her while she is awake? I have read her books, put her underneath her little play gym, played with some toys, but really she is still so little that it all looks a little silly. Not to mention she really can't focus on any of it yet. So I have discovered the perfect activity to do with her when she is awake. . . photo shoots. Ava is such a good sport to let me dress her up and take pictures of her. This was our first photo shoot that we did the other day. It was fun, I just wish I knew how to take better pictures. Maybe I will take a class.
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Nadine said...

what a doll! she looks like a mini-lindsie. i'm glad it's easy. a lot of people have a hard time adjusting. is she sleeping through the night for you?

Josh, Lindsie, and Ava said...

Um, yeah right. She doesn't do to bad, but I wished she would sleep a little longer. She wakes up about every three hours on average. At her two week visit, the doctor said she was gaining weight and eating great so I could let her sleep as long as she wants so now in my mind, she should be sleeping at least 4-5 hours at a time. For the most part, I am adapting to the lack of sleep but every once in a while I have a really hard night.

Pam from Over the Big Moon said...

Lindzer - You are a bit of a dorko! Photo shoots huh?!? haha :) She is dang cute though. I can't wait to see her. She looks just like you I think.

Kristen said...

I do the same thing with Kate... only she's a year and a half old and could play and stuff when she's awake! Well, mostly, I just always have my camera close so I can snap pictures of anything she does that's remotely entertaining. And good luck on the sleeping through the nights.. it's the hardest part of having a baby, for sure!