Jason and Callie came up to visit, so on Friday night we got together with Josh's other brother, Jared, and his family to carve pumpkins. We carved in our garage which turned out to be the perfect space for this activity. The mess was an easy clean up and I wasn't stressing out about pumpkin goo getting everywhere. The pumpkins turned out great! Ava loved her pumpkin so much that she tried to eat it quite a few times.
Halloween day we were hoping to head back to the pumpkin patch/petting zoo because Ava loved it so much the first time, but the weather was a little sketchy and we didn't want to risk it so we stayed home and decorated sugar cookies, my favorite holiday tradition. Nothing better than a good, soft sugar cookie. I have to explain the picture of Josh decorating cookies. This expression is so funny because he is really smiling at Callie because he is so annoyed at me for taking so many pictures of him being forced to decorate a cookie, but it looks like he is having the best time of his life. That picture made my entire day! Ava also joined in on the fun by eating more than enough frosting and getting it everywhere!

And here is our sweet little witchy witch. I don't think it gets any cuter than this. We took her out trick or treating for the first time with our friends. She sat in the stroller the whole time, but she sure did love being out with and watching the other kids. We made a pit stop at our friends, the Burrup's, for the most delicious homemade spud nuts ever! A Halloween tradition I plan to continue to partake in for as long as they'll have us. Thanks so much guys, all that hype and I was totally not let down.
Love the Halloween costume! The broom is awesome.
The pictures of Ava eating cookies are fabulous. I'm thinkin' her pumpkin is pretty cute too; I've never seen one done with a binky!
Wow! She is so beautiful! I love those witch pictures! And you are right kids make holidays awesome again.
Ava looks so cute. I love her costume. I must say that those are the best lookin pumpkins I have seen in a long time, so creative. I am stealing some of those ideas for next year!
She is a babe! What a great day!
wow I miss you guys. I cant believe how much she has grown. She is such cutie. We need to come visit soon! Glad to finally see a few posts! Now just waiting for a freaking phone call.
kids make everything more fun. she looks so cute in her costume. she looks cute all the time. and good job on the pumpkins
That looks so fun! Lindsie, you are so darling and your handsome husband and cute baby are just so fun. I really miss you guys and I'm glad you are having fun. Ava'a cosutme is so dang cute too. I'm sad we missed out. Thanks so much for the posts. It makes my day. Even if it makes me choke up a little. sniff sniff :)
I love the pumpkin with the pacifier! You are way too creative. And Ava is the cutest little witch around...you take such great pictures of her!
Ava looks so cute as a witch. Yes children do make the holidays much funner especially halloween!!!
Ava was the cutest little witch I have ever seen!
That is one cute witch!
I loved the witch costume also miss creative pants......
Hello! I am glad I'm not a "secret" stalker anymore. Oh, and I just want to eat Ava. You know, with a side of Mason.
hey!! you are still on my google reader, but you were right--you were totally exiled from my roll....but not by me. seriously, you are the 3rd person in the past week who have asked where your name is. i added some names about 2 weeks ago and i don't know if i screwed something up or what. anyway, i fixed you immediatley this morning. i'm glad you said something--what i worry about is that if there are others they wouldn't say anything, just hate me silently. oh, the pressure!
end of longest comment.
Cute pictures! I agree, she was the cutest witch I've ever seen!
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