Do let me explain...
Josh is wearing a bandanna because it has Vicks vapor rub on it and he had a sore throat,
not because he is trying to be sexy even though it is really sexy.
Ava is wearing Elmo pajamas because somewhere along the way I renegotiated my "no character clothing" stance to allow clothing that never leaves the house (i.e. pajamas).
That is until this week when I broke down and bought her an Elmo t-shirt, but it was on clearance at Old Navy for next to nothing and actually kind of cute. Plus, I was missing her because she went on a trip with Josh for a couple of days and I was excited to surprise her with it.
Dexter, well, he's naked because he likes to spit up A LOT so he hasn't earned the right to wear clothing. Tough Love, that'll teach him. :)
I love my little family, even on days like this.